Introduction to search

Search is the simplest way to find what you’re looking for in Todoist. Here’s how you can use search to find a task, project, label, filter, or comment:

  1. In the main menu, click the search bar. The Quick Find menu will appear.
  2. Enter the search term(s). A list of tasks, projects, and comments that match the search terms will appear.
  3. Click the relevant search item to open it. If you haven’t found what you're looking for yet, click Show more results at the bottom to look at more results.

To search through task comments, click the Comments pane at the top-right of the search results.

To search through completed tasks, click Search completed tasks below the search results.

Quick tip

If you want to view all your tasks across all of your projects, simply search view all in your search field.

Narrow down your search

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can narrow down your search results by date, by priority level, by project and more by using queries in your search. For example, you could enter August 7 directly into the search field to see all tasks due on August 7th. Here are a few more examples:

Quick tip

Quickly get the results you want by entering a query directly into the search field. For instance, try entering today & p1 to see every priority 1 task due today.

August 7Tasks due on August 7
Today & p1Tasks due today with priority 1
Next 31 daysTasks due in the next 31 days
Tomorrow & p3Tasks due tomorrow with priority 3
@waitingTasks with the label @waiting
Label:waitingTasks with the label @waiting
30 daysTasks due in the next 30 days
Assigned to:John SmithTasks assigned to John Smith

Search for completed tasks

Sometimes you want to check back in on something you’ve already finished. Here’s how you can search for completed tasks:

  1. Type the keyword(s) into the Find search field at the top, and press enter.
  2. At the bottom of your search results, click on Search completed tasks.
  3. You can now see all completed tasks that match your keyword(s).
  4. You can also uncomplete them as usual or read the comments.


If you're searching for completed tasks, and you've applied a grouping option to the results, the option to fetch more completed tasks is hidden. To resolve this, turn off the grouping option to fetch the missing completed tasks. Once you have the information you need, turn the grouping option back on.

Searching based on keyword(s)

Filter queryWhat it does
search: weekendShows all tasks that contain the word "weekend"
search: DecemberShows all tasks that contain the word "December"


No, it's not possible to search for archived projects and their tasks.