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    • What‘s new

      All the upgrades and improvements that‘ll better help you organize it all.

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    • Getting started guide

      Not sure where to start? Get going with our easy-to-follow beginner's guide to Todoist.

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    • Known issues

      The bugs with fixes in the works. Check here before shooting us a message.

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    Real people, here to help you

    98/100 people find the answers they need in one of our help articles. If you’re one of the 2%, our team of specialists is here to help.


    “Stacey was fantastic - she was extremely helpful and persevered in helping me all the way through my issue. I very much appreciated her assistance.”


    “Quick, professional, and pleasant. Above all, he immediately understood the problem. This is the first bug I've encountered in all my years of using Todoist, so I'm not surprised that the team is great at what it does.”


    “Straight to the point, Really fast answer. Well explained. Solved. What else?


    All Todoist customer support agents are amazing. They are knowledgeable, and they understand queries that confuse me even though I have written those. Well done everyone. Thanks!”


    “Nowadays, with the proliferation of bots as the first, and even second, level customer support at most service-oriented companies, it was a welcome experience to interface with a real person. Moreover, the interaction with Stephanie was refreshing and encouraging as it made me feel Todoist really cares about its customers.


    “Great answer. Great support articles as well. You guys do such a great job with support / documentation.


    The communication throughout has been timely, professional, and clear. I truly appreciate it. In fact, I was so impressed with the service that the moment the issue was addressed, I purchased the Pro plan!”


    “I was surprised how quickly I received a response and the problem was fixed right away. Very genuine, didn’t feel like was interacting with some bot.”

    Todoist Inspiration

    The thoughts, ideas, and advice you need to accomplish big things with Todoist’s help.